Real Estate 101 – Life’s Building Blocks

Life is a building process: School. Driver’s license. First job. Next jobs. Dating. Children. Homes.

Yes, plural – homes. We all want our first home to be our forever home. In my case, it was a small farm outside of Nashville fondly called “the tick farm”. My friends and I coveted it. A co-worker bought it. We bought condos. The friend eventually sold the farm and moved closer to town. We graduated to houses.

It is rare that our beloved first home is our forever home. Lives, tastes, needs, locations – these all change. And unfortunately, homes are firmly planted. But it is a step up on life’s ladder. Homes are important as investments AND nests. They may offer tax advantages. They are a much better use of housing funds than rent because when they are sold, they usually generate profits that can be used for the NEXT house.

Your forever home may be your first. It may be the third…or the tenth. Just think of every one as yours and enjoy it.